Sunday, July 13, 2008

A means to end all world poverty.




A means to end all world poverty, while making the poor and wealthy both happy.

To my fellow humans, and all media organizations;

Over the past several years, I have made many long serious efforts to communicate a very simple and very real solution to all world poverty... to... All the nations of earth, several times.
I have tried to make clear things which are of ideal simplicity, being, directed socialism, designed to commercialise directly into free market capitalism... that is exactly what the united states did in world war two... massive investments into working industries to produces goods, and the commercialization of all those industries after the war.

But, it can work best, if we use real money and not more of the same, financed, debt based currency used today. Yet, in order to solve for all the massive debt today, we must provide a means to pay it all off, and this plan does so.

Summary:1) The world, or atleast the G-8, agrees to create a new artificial land in international waters, this land will represent either a new nation, or a World Federation, and its purpose is to allow mankind to create a new currency, and back that currency on "Faith"..Faith in our work potential to do the work and pay it off, just like GDP based currency (but without interest), and or, FAITH notes, the new currency, can be made to represent the commodity value of the earth lands in Antartica, the ocean bottoms, and most importantly, the solar system as a whole, where in the Asteriod belt, holds enough wealth to accomplish all of mankinds hopes and dreams... Since it is our solar system, we can claim ownership, and as such, we can begin producing a currency to represent that future obtainable values in real prescious metals such as Gold, Platinum, Uranium, etc.... etc...

2) Having access to a percentage value of the wealth of our solar system, it then becomes a question of how we can maximize the rewards to come from that wealth and investments. The following pages are my detailed discussion for how we can manifest this wealth easily and without the obvious risk of massive waste and mis-mangement, because to be honest, if I was allowed the job, I, would simply not allow for it.

3) It is my hope and intention to help my fellow mankind as much as I am able, and having givin it some thought I have precieved that I could in this way help my world to the maximum amount of my physical and mental ability. My intentions are honorable and I would be willing to give up all thoughts of being King or world president, as such is not mandatory to the success of these goals of ending poverty and hunger across our world.

NOTE : As you read this, you may think that this entire effort is all about me.... (it is not!!)

(The world doesnt need me, but if asked, I can end poverty, and this letter shows exactly how.!)

( IT IS MY HOPE, THAT THE WORLD, can wake up, and do this without me, and any need for me to be anything, as that would be best.)

I urge you, who is reading this, to take it very seriously... read it, and understand, and then do your job, and share it with your people... since your governments have already been informed, and yet, they, your leaders, have choosen to do NOTHING.
They sit in towers of power... while your people starve in the streets.The following series of texts, are designed to explain the plan in detail, please take the time to read it carefully, and respond to me with any questions you may have.

1) I will describe how the World Federation would work, and how it could greatly benefit all nations, by allowing for serious long term investments to be made towards the planets and stars, and all the resources they can provide for our species as we expand into space.

2) I will describe, an understanding of how I, or anyone, could manifest the real work potential of any and all nations, by providing the massive, long term, no-interest, non-profiting investments to build up any given nations economy, and end poverty.

A short summary of building a World Federation.

Greetings fellow human,

This letter specifically discusses the basis of building a World Federation, of sovereign nations, where-by we, humanity, can easily implement these poverty solving investment programs, without the threat of a destructive and fear and control based NWO of evil, which so many of us, are concerned with apposing. Put simply, this letter discusses the simple basis or foundation apon which we can build a different kind of NWO based on love, compassion, and reason and logic built around the sovereign freedom of all nations.

Once again,
The following summary discusses the economic methods by which this potential World Federation can operate and work to bring wealth and prosperity and individual market expansions to all the nations, instead of taxation, and global market controls, and imposed outside regulations which are the modern methods of the IMF, World Bank, and the international powers, which are pulling those strings.

Summary: The world, agrees to create either a new nation, or a World Federation, and its purpose is to allow mankind to create a new currency, and back that currency on "Faith"... Literally. Faith in our work potential to do the work and pay it off, just like GDP based currency (but without interest), and or, FAITH notes, the new currency, can be made to represent the commodity value of the earth lands in Antartica, the ocean bottoms, and most importantly, the solar system as a whole, where in the Asteriod belt, holds enough wealth to accomplish all of mankinds hopes and dreams.
Since it is our solar system, we can claim ownership, and as such, we can begin producing a currency to represent that future obtainable values in real prescious metals such as Gold, Platinum, Uranium, etc.... etc...
And... Having access to a percentage value of the wealth of our solar system, it then becomes a question of how we can maximize the rewards to come from that wealth and investments.

Note : As the full explination of the working a function, and operation of a world Federation, requires a long text, availible further down... on this blog.

The following is mearly a summary description of the foundational basics.

1) The main issue, concerning this new currency, is that unlike traditional commodity based currencies, which can be traded in, in exchange for the stored commodity, these FAITH based notes, cannot be turned in and payment cannot be demanded at the time and pleasure of the investor who holds the note. Instead, the investors can trade the notes, for existing commodities held by others, or traded for other currencies, but, the actual commodities it represents can, and will only be paid off over time, AS IT IS PRODUCED by world wide mining and development works sites, created to produce over time, those desired commodities such as minerals and so forth. In otherwords, the FAITH notes, hold their value, as they represent real commodities, but, they are representing, for example, gold values, which DO EXIST, yet are still buired in the ground, and can only be paid off over time, as those world wide mines, produce that gold, etc. In this way, the FAITH notes always hold their value, as they are valued in weights of metals, not values of, and since they eventually are paid off in those specific weights of metals, they can be forever traded as if they actually represent those weights of commodites, because they do, and are guareenteed to be paid off by the world wide mining efforts, run and organized by the to be established World Federation whos job and purpose it is to pay off those FAITH notes.
In this way, this new currency, does not loose value, and no amount of conspiring can ever allow for a bankruptcy of the World Federation, since these notes, cannot be called in and demanded payment of. This, assures the long term stablitity of this World Federation, its currency, and its world wide market investment efforts.
(The market crash, and bankruptcy of earth, in the roaring 20's.. was caused by all the big investors, demanding payment of all their notes, which devalued everything, by eliminating the Gold, which was the security on which all loans and notes were valued.)
(With FAITH notes, no such crash, can occur, since the notes cannot be called in, but can only be paid off over time, and traded as gold in perfect time controlled vaults.)

2) The establishment of all things, must always be of such a nature as to provide, clear and absolute benefits to the member sovereign states. And yes, I did say sovereign, where in the new "world federation", based out of the UN, will literally manifest itself, exactly as the founding fathers of the USA, intended, the USA federal government to be.
In otherwords, in-effective in effecting the individual lives of its sovereign nations.
Where in the Fed, literally works to function in benefit of the individual states, and is subject to their wishes, period. The Fed is to run and maintain an army for planetary defence, and serves to set up and build the logistical support infrastructure in order to fascilitate trade, internationally and eventually interplanetarily, and to create currency for commerce and development, and holds ownership of the bulk land mass of the planet and the rest of the solar system. (international lands, not sovereign lands inside nations.)
The world will be willing to accept the establishment of a highly focused and limited World Government, if that Government, serves to benefit each nation, and does not in any way threaten the sovereignty of each nation, but instead, out of love, if you will, invests, literally, heavily into nations to show that love, and to bring prosperity to all, instead of regulation and scarcity, as has been the common practice.
It should be very limited, and serving the logistical and defence needs of its many SOVEREIGN members. A WORLD FEDERATION, is then suddenly born.

#3) Faith, is literally, the solution to all world poverty, for it allows us to realise that by pressuming ownership of the solar system, we literally have posession of all that we can see, and that includes all below us, and across the seas and below it. Suddenly we do have the basis for a new kind of currency, which can literally serve to represent a value of resources which might be anywhere from the moon to the bottom of the sea, or on mars, it doesnt matter, we know the commondities are there, and we can create and use and trade notes which represent those commodities, these notes being based literally on our faith in the value of the notes we trade. But their value is assured, for the majority of the instant wealth which will be created is used specifically to end all world poverty by creating jobs, based around the construction of large scale projects within each nation for the purposes of development of land and its usage to the maximum benefit of its people.
All of this preplanning and social development work is done by each nation, with the cooperation of the world president for example, they form a charitable non-profit organization within each nation, and its function is to eliminate poverty, and does so by employing the poor. All power in these organization rests in the hands of each nation and the world presidency serves the purpose of allowing the investment by the World Government into each nation without any interest or debt being needed to be delt with, since the world government is an investor, there is no debt, only the need for the return, which never needs to be more than the actual investment, since the world government doesnt need to profit, its job is to fascilitate growth for all the sovereign nations.
The vast and endless wealth, rests not only in the return of commodities to earth, but in the orbitable bases, and space bound collinization efforts and research and development of means and ways to launch ourselves not only throughout the solar system, but in all directions, towards every nearest stars.... we will build the infrastructure and the means to do all of these things, and we can do them all if we as a planet could just pay for it.
Now we can, with a new currency based on those long term future gains of massive massive value to the species and planet, all of which can be commericialised over time.

#4) Other than the specific social and industrial development of each nation, the world government would form a world non-profit organization for the devlopment of world wide projects in mining of Antartica, and the oceans generally, specifically to produce actual short term rerturns on these FAITH notes, by buying these FAITH notes from their holders with the designated real physical commodity, be it, gold, or uranium, or silver. Each FAITH notes is designated for its exchange value in ounces or lbs of an agreed commodity, at its time of original trading and is numbered. This numbering is for tracking and trading purposes, for both allowing assurance of ownership and validity of the certificate for future sale and trading. The international mining org, literally takes all its gains of treasure and starts buying back all the FAITH notes, starting with number one, then two... etc... since the notes are numbered and they were traded and used in proporation to peoples faith in lining up to invest into these FAITH notes... investing, in the funding of a world wide organization dedicated to getting that return, from the depths of the earth and up, in the worlds which surround us. We will build to the point that we fully own and rule this solar system, and nothing, not even the largest asteriod or alien fleet could threaten our earth. For the world fed, can now build an earth space fleet.
We trade the FAITH notes, no matter their number, because their value is assured, and for those who want commodities now.. right now, they can trade for lower numbers, and get actual delivery of the mass of whatever. And in the trading, we invest, for the future.

#5) FAITH notes, would possibly come in two forms, where in there is what we can call transferable FAITH notes, and NON-tranferable FAITH notes, where in the non-transferable notes are used specifically towards investments into the development of each nation, and hold their value, by being paid off by both commodities and or the paper money of that speicific nation. The commodites in payment of a non-transferable note must be derived from mining operation within that same one nation, and can again, only be bought back for that nations currency or commodities dug up, literally in that nation.
Transferable FAITH notes, on the other hand, can be traded internationally, and can represent the endless real value of the whole mine-able earth, the moon, mars and the asteriod belt, with a total estimated value of 15 trillion trillion trillion dollars easy.
That is one reason why FAITH notes have such massive high value, such as one FAITH note, has a value of 2000 ounces of gold, and traded as such, and considered to actually represent that gold, and is payable in that gold in the distant future.
It would also, be possible for any nation to have great faith, and invest its entire economy to the point of backing its paper currency on transferable FAITH notes, and so, basing its currency on the very real commodites of the solar system, over time, and by making very real and intelegent investments into the infrastructure of their, each, nation for the benefit of their people in the long and short term, where prosperity can be made manifest all across the earth, and it will never cost a dime in interest, or cause any extra debt, and yet, all the while, along the bottom, in the lives of nations, the bankers can still have major play, and need not get upset, since the expanding markets would serve them greatly as they are the conduits of each economys money flow, etc. (loans)
Nations who dont trust the international world federal government, can simply choose not to invest in the world projects, and invest only within its own nation, with the non-transferable notes, which remain within each sovereign nation until bought back by organizations that are run by that sovereign nations government. So there is never any danger of infringement of sovereignty. But, if desired a nation could invest into the world and solar system market, and be able to recieve massive gifts for development, to provide benefit to the world efforts to acquire the wealth of the solar system and develop the means to control our space and world with large international projects such as inland river diversion and cross border agricultural, reseviors and space ports.

#6) If the world fed does not focus on hunger, then the world fed, is not worthy of power. The function of the world fed, is not to profit, and to gain money, but, it is to manifest the wealth of our planet for the good of all its sovereign nations and peoples. It works to benefit all the nations, by investing directly in each nations specific people, and investing in the entire world and people as a species, for the long term distribution of the wealth of the solar system, for the building of the means to manifest the destiny of our species.

#7) And even though the world president may invest 100% of the start up capital, he allows the sovereign nation to controll all actions, and only asks to get the NON-transferable FAITH notes back, over time, by using the profit and gain from all the efforts caused and generated by the FAITH note use, to buy them back, from their holders, which will be the governments of each sovereign nation, allowing each individual nation to recieve massive outside investment, which builds a massive employing organization which not only produces taxes and revenue in many ways, but uses its profits to give more profit to that nation by buying back the FAITH notes, and literally giving all the assets to that nations government as a gift, so that it may sell off its parts and assets to its people and over time commercialise the entire gain, by its, hopefully, fair distribution.

The simple fact of the matter is... The world doesnt need me, and I dont need to be King or world president. All the world needs is faith. Its not hard, and as I have shown, having faith can provide more wealth than anything else imaginable,...... and it is real wealth. Real commodities, in storage, in 'perfect vaults'.. deep in the earth, deep in the moon, and spread out across the solar system. It is all very real, and it is all ours, and we can literally spend some of it now, and use it to transform the world and provide the very real access to the very real commodities available to our species. We, humans, are in fact, very rich.

Poverty and unemployment will be a thing of the past, because we will employ the world on a massive scale to build the destiny of our species. All we need is faith.

-Mosheh Muhammad Al-faraj Thezion.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A long description of a World Federation.

To those of the earth, and the world media's..... regarding a world federation;

#1) The establishment of all things, must always be of such a nature as to provide, clear and absolute benefits to the member sovereign states. And yes, i did say sovereign, where in the new "world federation", based out of the UN, will literally manifest itself, exactly as the founding fathers of the USA, intended, the USA federal government to be.In otherwords, in-effective in effecting the individual lives of its sovereign citizens, who are all kings and queens.... the original constitution of the United States of America, sets it very clearly... the power rests in this order.. the people, the state, and then the Fed last of all... where in the Fed, literally works to function in benefit of the individual states, and is subject to their wishes, period. The Fed is to run and maintain an army for mutual defence, and to serve the operations of regulating international and interstate trading, and to create currency for commerce and development. Of course, today, in this world, that Fed, is long gone, and has been replaced with an Unconstitutional Fed, which is allowed and accepted because it provides more benefits to the people than a limited Fed can do, if bound to the restrictions of the constitution. That kind of new Fed, is the Fed you all at the UN have been trying to form... a new Fed, that controls all. That is your flaw... you should be trying to form a WORLD FED, which is exactly like the founding fathers of the USA intended... very limited, and serving the logistical and defence needs of its many SOVEREIGN members. A WORLD FEDERATION, is then suddenly born.This world federation has power, in that such power would rest in its congress and its presidency, but the power is divided equally, where in the body of congress can over-rule any action of the presidency, and the congress is made up of one member from each nation, with that individual being selected from within each nation. The body of the UN.The Power of this world federation is again, to make currency for commerce and to build, run and maintain a world army for the defense of the planet and its individual sovereign nations and their peoples, and sets up and builds the logistical support infrastructure in order to fascilitate trade, internationally and eventually interplanetarily, and holds ownership of the bulk land mass of the planet and the rest of the solar system.
The world will be willing to accept the establishment of a highly focused and limited World Government, if that Government, serves to benefit each nation, and does not in any way threaten the sovereignty of each nation, but instead, out of love, if you will, invests, literally, heavily into nations to show that love, and to bring prosperity to all, instead of regulation and scarcity, as has been the common practice. POVERTY will be a thing of the past, because the body of the UN has faith.... or atleast it should. Could.

#2) Faith, is literally, the solution to all world poverty, for it allows us to realise that by assuming ownership of the solar system, we literally have posession of all that we can see, and that includes all below us, and across the seas and below it. And combine this with the work potential of our species, and our known science and potential, and suddenly we do have the basis for a new kind of "futures security", certificates, which can literally serve to represent a value of resources which might be anywhere from the moon to the bottom of the sea, or on mars, it doesnt matter, we know the commondities are there, and we can create and use and trade notes which represent those commodities, these notes being based literally on our faith in the value of the notes we trade. But their value is assured, for the majority of the instant wealth which will be created is used specifically to end all world poverty by creating jobs, based around the construction of large scale projects within each nation for the purposes of development of land and its usage to the maximum benefit of its people with clear short and long term plans to bring prosperity and assure survivability from disasters with clear investments into preplanning.All of this preplanning and social development work is done by each nation, with the cooperation of the world president for example, they form a charitable non-profit organization within each nation, and its function is to eliminate poverty, and does so by employing the poor. All power in these organization rests in the hands of each nation and the presidency serves the purpose of allowing the investment by the World Government into each nation without any interest or debt being needed to be delt with, since the world government is an investor, there is no debt, only the need for the return, which never needs to be more than the actual investment, since the world government doesnt need to profit, its job is to fascilitate growth for all the sovereign states...The world goverment isnt a sovereign state, and as such might normally be un-able to produce a currency, but that can be solved by establishing new artificial land in international waters, and creating a land mass, artifically made, to serve the earth and its soveriegn nations, by producing currency and acting as the land of the world ferderation, which again, is by design meant to be very limited. The Fed can own land.. artificial land, in the oceans, in the sky, in space, on the moon and so forth, but not within any sovereign nation, other than land owned by the non-profit org half owned by the world federation and half owned by each sovereign nation, and controlled by each nation only.These new "futures securities certificates" i have designated as FAITH notes, since that is literally what they are... they have value, if you have faith in the potential long term return on your investment, where in, literally, if we all had that faith then we could trade them, and their value would literally fluctuate on the values of many varied commodities, from gold to platinum or other agreeable commodites derivable over time, even a long time by a world wide mining and construction effort to fascilitate our access to the bulk of the resources, at the bottom of the sea, deep within the earth, in and on the moon, on mars, and spread out deliciously in the asteriod belt. We can have faith in the value of these notes, because we have telescopes, and they show us the bounty of wealth which awaits us if we should just make the small investment to reach them.The vast and endless wealth, rests not only in the return of commodities to earth, but in the orbitable bases, and space bound collinization efforts and research and development of means and ways to launch ourselves not only throughout the solar system, but in all directions, towards every nearest stars.... we will build the infrastructure and the means to do all of these things, and we can do them all if we as a planet could just pay for it.
Now we can, with a new currency based on those long term future gains of massive massive value to the species and planet, all of which can be commericialised over time.

#3) Other than the specific social and industrial development of each nation, the world government would form a world non-profit organization for the devlopment of world wide projects in mining of Antartica, and the oceans generally, specifically to produce actual short term rerturns on these FAITH notes, by buying these FAITH notes from their holders with the designated real physical commodity, be it, gold, or uranium, or silver. Each FAITH notes is designated for its exchange value in ounces or lbs of an agreed commodity, at its time of original trading and is numbered. This numbering is for tracking and trading purposes, for both allowing assurance of ownership and validity of the certificate for future sale and trading. The international mining org, literally takes all its gains of treasure and starts buying back all the FAITH notes, starting with number one, then two... etc... since the notes are numbered and they were traded and used in proporation to peoples faith in lining up to invest into these FAITH notes... investing, in the funding of a world wide organization dedicated to getting that return, from the depths of the earth and up, in the worlds which surround us. We will build to the point that we fully own and rule this solar system, and nothing, not even the largest asteriod or alien fleet could threaten our earth. For the world fed, can now build an earth space fleet.We trade the FAITH notes, no matter their number, because their value is assured, and for those who want commodities now.. right now, they can trade for lower numbers, and get actual delivery of the mass of whatever. And in the trading, we invest, for the future.

#4) FAITH notes, would possibly come in two forms, where in there is what we can call transferable FAITH notes, and NON-tranferable FAITH notes, where in the non-transferable notes are used specifically towards investments into the development of each nation, and hold their value, by being paid off by both commodities and or the paper money of that speicific nation. The commodites in payment of a non-transferable note must be derived from mining operation within that same one nation, and can again, only be bought back for that nations currency or commodities dug up, literally in that nation.Transferable FAITH notes, on the other hand, can be traded internationally, and can represent the endless real value of the whole mine-able earth, the moon, mars and the asteriod belt, with a total estimated value of what could be 15 trillion trillion dollars easy. That is one reason why FAITH notes have such massive high value, such as one FAITH note, has a value of 2000 ounces of gold, and traded as such, and considered to actually represent that gold, and is payable in that gold in the distant future.If FAITH notes had a lower value, such that they could be traded and used by humans in their day to day lives, it would effect and diminsh the value of real currencies.Its value is set so high that it is meant to be used by goverments and billionaires in the long term development of our planet which deals in millions and billions of dollars, not dollars and cents, as are our daily lives. FAITH notes, have such value, and its value can only go up over time, for FAITH notes, could buy both commodities, and also the infrastructure and support assets, which might include orbiting space ports, space ships, space bases, and all the earthly support structure and ocean fascilities sold off over time.It would also, be possible for any nation to have great faith, and invest its entire economy to the point of backing its currency on transferable FAITH notes, and so, basing its currency on the very real commodites of the solar system, over time, and by making very real and intelegent investments into the infrastructure of their, each, nation for the benefit of their people in the long and short term, where prosperity can be made manifest all across the earth, and it will never cost a dime in interest, or cause any extra debt, and yet, all the while, along the bottom, in the lives of nations, the bankers can still have major play, and need not get upset, since the expanding markets would serve them greatly as they are the conduits of each economys money flow, etc.
Nations who dont trust the international world federal government, can simply choose not to invest in the world projects, and invest only within its own nation, with the non-transferable notes, which remain within each sovereign nation until bought back by organizations that are run by that sovereign nations government. So there is never any danger of infringement of sovereignty. But, if desired a nation could invest into the world and solar system market, and be able to recieve massive gifts for development, to provide benefit to the world efforts to acquire the wealth of the solar system and develop the means to control our space and world with large international projects such as inland river diversion and cross border agricultural, reseviors and space ports.
#5) The fun part, gentlemen, comes with the spending and building... in two ways, first within each nation, second, internationally across borders and within the seas, and within nations which allow these projects of international flavor.These projects will vary from nation to nation but generally, we are talking about a plan of action, which while fullfilling globilization in the short term, quickly brings it down with the intentional build up of the infrastructure of each nation to the point of being not only completely self sufficient, but fully stocked piled and prepared to meet all disasters that come along, of any size, to include biblical proportions. And in that survival mode, it is nessasry that each small nation and region have in it self all the modern technology and means to re-build and hold on to the know-how, and to do this, we must be prepared and we must have the preset means to face those possible disasters. The short term goal of this building up, allows for the massive world wide global market burst, which is used literally as part of the means which funds the push to launch our species into planetary orbit, and hopefully within a few short centuries, into galactic orbit and to the stars.
This fruitition of our species into space requires massive funding for massive investment to build the means to manifest that collinization destiny of our species and to take hold of the bounty of resources along the way to make the whole thing economically worth while.The world federation spends in two ways, as mentioned, with two different kinds of FAITH notes, transferable notes, being based on the faith in our species to build to the stars and gain all the resources along the way. And NON-transferable notes, which are meant to literally manifest and allow for the realization of the potential of any single one sovereign nation, who asks only assiatance, but who refuses to risk debt and loss, by investing in hypothetical solar system based FAITH notes, which are long term.For those nations, who lack the faith in the world potential, its ok, they dont have to, its not mandatory, and the world federation can still offer them, and their people massive and great benefit, and will ask nothing in return whatsoever, because it is so nice.The world fed, could then offer, NON-transferable FAITH notes, to prop up that nations economy, specifically, with large scale programs to employ the masses in building up the infrastructure to make use of what ever resources a nation has, in as eco-friendly a manner as is humanly possible, and this is done, by the world fed, investing into nations with these non-transferable notes, which can only be paid back by that nations paper currency, and is meant to be paid back by the resulting wealth generated by the large scale labors of all the masses within any given nation. If there is enough food to feed them all, then they can all work to build a new nation, and if there is not enough food, the world fed will buy it for them, and invest in that nations infrastructure so that it can not only feed itself, but stock pile food for long term disaster preparidness, so poverty and hunger can quickly be replaced by organizaed work efforts to solve peoples real immediate problems with long term investments into fundamental infrastructure which in 90% of the cases around the world, comes down to adequate water supply and distribution. The world fed could solve this problem in every nation, as the most fundamental investment in allowing any nation to reach it full potential and feed its own people, in abundance.If the world fed does not focus on hunger, then the world fed, is not worthy of power.These investments will vary from large scale mining operations, starting in any and all worthwhile resource sites and leading down and down, and branching side to side in exploration, and core sampling, digging deeper and deeper, in search of any and all useful ores and mineral and jewels of value, and deeper, until the mine itself, in its lower sections can be transformed literally into a large scale geothermal powerplant, which then can power all the work efforts which may continue above it in sideways directions, including continued mining and the expansion & securing of the walls of the upper mine shafts to create worthwhile and valueble underground cities and fascilities of endless use.
These mines, on real land, on sovereign land, will be used to buy back the Non-transferable FAITH notes, mentioned, and their use, and commercialization can also serve to buy the notes back with that nations paper currency. Of course, there is also solar energy, and bio-deisel, thermal cracking, fermentation, and methanol, and lots of crude around to keep the machines all running, and in wisdom, we will stop worrying about global warming and do something about it, by watering the deserts, reversing desert-ification, and planting millions apon millions of trees and watering them, all across the world... for every car on the road in a nation, they must plant and raise 1000 trees or some such number, with a simple small tax on gasoline to pay for it.. how many gallons equal a tree? Not to mention we can use cheap methods to increase calcium carbonate production in the seas, and reduce co2 levels on a large rapid scale. We could easily solve the problem, if we could just pay for it, and now with faith, we can pay for it, easily.Also, we would invest towards any number of religious and public wonder projects of awe inspiring size and dimensions as to stand for evidense of our potential as a species. Ideally these massive wonder projects would be incorprated as part of some worthwhile functioning long term asset to our species development, advancement and or survival.International efforts would be contracted into the sea ports of various willing nations with transferable notes, and used to build the massive robotic based deep ocean mining and exploration fleets to rapidly go to work in each of the earths oceans. And to build within strategically located nations various forms and efforts for achieving large scale, large volume launches of our earths developing potential and machinary into high orbit for the building of many massive large scale strong sheilded space bases, to further facilitate our immediate use of the moon, and development projects to send a space based robot fleet to the asteriod belt to do large scale prospecting and asteriod retrival for return to near earth solar orbit for the distribution of the resources, by breaking the bodies down and dropping them safely down to earth at reduced speeds. As well as a shared world effort to build the machinary and means to live and work, and most importantly prospect and eventually mine Anartica. All of which literally boosts the economies of the world by creating 3 new large scale massive markets, being deep ocean / high pressure mining, to freezing cold under heavy ice mining, to cold vacuum low pressure / high radiation space bound ore retrival and processing, and distribution. And in the doing and engineering and the building and the spending we build up the world, and in the end, it will pay off.The spending, is the issue, and it is the president's and the congress's job to make sure it is all spent wisely, and efficiently, and ONLY for specific projects in benefit to the world and nations, and that is done, by employing all the masses to work for self improvement.
Allowing the nations who are already self improved, to focus on expansion, but not against its neighbors, which causes wars, but up, onto % pieces of the moon and mars and in orbit, all of which is desided by the individual sovereign nation, when it desides how and when and on what it wants to spend its trasnferable FAITH notes on... will it be that section of moon land? Will it be that 3rd space station on the left? Will it be that nuclear rocket fleet of cargo ships? or will it be that pile of uranium? Or that bigger pile of gold?It must always be the sovereign nations which desides, but it is the WORLD FED, that does the selling. Selling real valueble stuff, for shiny pretty pieces of paper, FAITH notes.Once the world fed, buys back a FAITH note, it becomes trash, as it is numbered and can only be traded once by the world fed, and bought back once by the world fed. First it was traded for paper money, and it was traded across the globe, and then the world fed bought it back for that same amount worth of specified commodities, regardless of that commodities value, where by, if that value is up, the lucky investor / seller made profit.The function of the world fed, is not to profit, and to gain money, but, it is to manifest the wealth of our planet for the good of all its sovereign nations and peoples. It works to benefit all the nations, by investing directly in each nations specific people, and investing in the entire world and people as a species, for the long term distribution of the wealth of the solar system, for the building of the means to manifest the destiny of our species.

#6) Of course, the world must recognise the dangers and evil agendas which men are unfortunately, in the habit of getting into, even by mistake, due to peer social pressure.That, ladies and gentlemen, would be the job of the world president to solve, who by taking office as world president, must take a VOW OF RELATIVE POVERTY, meaning if he is rich, he has to give it all up, and accept living in space and housing which is no better than average middle class american, for the rest of his natural life, and he will be watched... he takes this vow, because as president, he would have the power to control the spending, and his job literally, is to act as the check on all the spending that is done around the world, with the FAITH notes. Like a king, he must watch over the treasury. He must watch it like a hawk, and fight daily battles against corruption, that must be his job. His office will be 7-12 years, and the vow will be for life, and when out of office he will sit on a council of presidents, who then watch the actions and work of any new president and act as his personal council. While the congress, made from the body of the UN, is not bound to vows of poverty and can be rampent with coruption, it will delegate all spending with prepared yearly budgets and agendas all of which are developed opennly in the world congress and its many forums. It becomes then a question of details in negoitiating any given problem or issue, with seperate courts of action dealing with issues of sovereignty, and another dealing with international contracts on mining and space development efforts of the world federation, made up of the world president and world congress. Which is made or derived from the body of the UN, as is your wish.Congress can debate and deside all the issues of international efforts, in space and the seas, but the president can directly invest as 43% share holder in a non-profit corporation including the government of any sovereign nation, which then owns 57% and complete control of this organization, dedicated to employing the masses in benefit to that nation and the world and the commercialization of all the built up assets over time in that nation.And even though the world president may invest 100% of the start up capital, he allows the sovereign nation to controll all actions, and only asks to get the NON-transferable FAITH notes back, over time, by using the profit and gain from all the efforts caused and generated by the FAITH note use, to buy them back, from their holders, which will be the governments of each sovereign nation, allowing each individual nation to recieve massive outside investment, which builds a massive employing organization which not only produces taxes and revenue in many ways, but uses its profits to give more profit to that nation by buying back the FAITH notes, and literally giving all the assets to that nations government as a gift, so that it may sell off its parts and assets to its people and over time commercialise the entire gain, by its, hopefully, fair distribution.

#7) Charity and Love, can finnally manifest across the earth by untieing the hands of the love potential of our peoples, by first and formost allowing for religious freedom, and permitting the free and open exercise there of. And of course free speech, which i personnaly will use myself to whip the religious billionaires into action on caring for the poorest of the poor, as in, those who cannot work, and need real charity. The charity Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and Mohammed, etc.. all said we should be doing.Moreover i would incourage establishing a world church, which in itself does not teach or promote any specific religion, but teachs and allows for the practice of all religions side by side, in open study and discussion, and all tempered by the logic and reason which is brought about by modern science, which in itself, as science, has become a religion in itself, and can theortically in many ways lend credit to alot of religious dogma, in various ways, and literally is the umbrella by which all religions can be unified.
This brings religious peace and tolerance, and open discussion and understanding, and assures that no particular religion is ever being squashed or put down, since everything is done equally and in fairness to the real numbers on the ground, yet, mandating that even in a christian country, Islam is availible for study, but it is not inforced, just as in a muslim country, christianity must be made availible for study, but it is not inforced. Nothing is inforced, and all religions are placed on the same table, and we as humans may study them, and seek answers to our questions about life and truth and so forth. And when that is not enough, we can at the same time, in the same world church and mosque and temple, seek towards science and all it has to offer, from chemistry, physics, electronics, to cosmology and biology, we can study and seek truth, and do research, and work on projects and build things along side and with the help of our fellow religious brothers and work towards increasing our understanding of the universe, its nature, and so, truth.A world funded church, would literally act as a small hometown plurilistic religious university for the serious study of science and engineering, and the deep contemplation and analysis of the worlds many scritptures and religious beliefs, and their free practice.

The simple fact of the matter is... The world doesnt need me, and i dont need to be King or world president. All the world needs is faith. Its not hard, and as i have shown, having faith can provide more wealth than anything else imaginable,...... and it is real wealth. Real commodities, in storage, in 'perfect vaults'.. deep in the earth, deep in the moon, and spread out across the solar system. It is all very real, and it is all ours, and we can literally spend some of it now, and use it to transform the world and provide the very real access to the very real commodities available to our species. We, humans, are in fact, very rich.Poverty and unemployment will be a thing of the past, because we will employ the world on a massive scale to build the destiny of our species. All we need is faith.

No one, on this entire planet has been able to argue with me, and I urge you to really try.If you cannot, then i expect you to help me, to help your people. If, you care about them.

-Mosheh Muhammad Al-faraj Thezion (aka: Mosheh Muhammad Fabio Luis Edwardo Correa Rodriguez Hiraldo Al-faraj Thezion.) Avatar general of the Empirical Church.

An option... building Ecclesia, a new artificial NATION.

This is an alternative option, to building a world Fed, which is simply to create one new artificial nation, whos purpose is to manifest the love potential of our world.

The following text, is a brief description of how it can be done.

To the people of earth, (this two page letter, is geared for Nepal, or any similar poor nation.) (this is part of a summary, included in a letter to the King of Nepal.)

1) You, as a sovereign nation, for example, NEPAL(any nation), simply accept my Sovereignty, and the acceptance of the existance of Ecclesia, as my nation, and then supply me with an embassy in your land, from which I can, and will help your nation, by way of allowing you to prop-up your economy by making use of my currency.
In this way, you can spend billions apon billions of Rupees (or your currency) in your nation without increasing external debt, or creating a negative balance on your books, because I will trade unto you, my nations currency, called FAITH notes. And I will take all the money in trade, and use it, and spend it, ONLY, in your nation, for the purposes of solving all of its social and economic problems, as discussed in this text.

2) I give you my currency, and you give me yours, then we, together form a new non-profit organization in your nation, which is dedicated to spending the wealth in efforts to create jobs for ALL of the un-employed, and this is done by establishing any number of work centers dedicated to mining, hydropowerplant / resevoir construction, geothermal energy plants from deep earth mines, industrialised organic farming with flood control on the plains, solar power systems, water / electricity / fuel infrastructure, using alcohol as a base fuel, derived locally from the commercialization of many farmed goods. We could even establish an oil industry, by developing thermal cracking systems to make deisel fuels and methane from any and all organic trash, from sewer sludge to tree leaves.

3) We, as leaders of this new organization of love, spend very wisely to employ people and set up the infrastructure for long term goals of development, from roads to mines, to eco-friendly factories to produce endless goods for export. And we intelegently, organize all our efforts as buisness men, with the idea of gain, be it long term, or short term, such that the wealth generated by our efforts is used by this organization to buy back the FAITH notes, which your government holds. In this way, your government gets its money back, plus all the taxes generated by all of the efforts, and the FAITH notes, are given back to me, as the original source of the FAITH note potential. All you need, is faith.

4) If you have faith in your peoples potential to do the work, if they were given the tools and the means, and most impotantly had your leadership, then you can accept these FAITH notes, and use them to build up your nation, and all without interest, or debt.

5) If you have the faith, it will incourage others nations to have that faith aswell, meaning you could then, begin trading the FAITH notes between each other, depending on who has the most faith in the potential payoff in the agreed units of payment. Those nations with the most faith, in the end, eventually, reap the greatest rewards. The value of faith is measured in our human potential, and is, as such, unlimited in its value.

6) Inflation fears, are just that, fears. Based on their lack of vision. Inflation as I noted earlier, is not the fear, for the first thing we do, is incourage all farmers to either double and triple their crops, or sell their land, and take jobs with the new ORG, and we provide the tools and the means to either expand or move out of agriculture and into the general work force being established. We also, intelegently do city planning for each and every community, based on that communities wants and needs. Therefore, we simply plan ahead, and in anticipation of the increased spending, we have in place supplimenting buisnesses to increase supply in every place that we increase demand by providing a paycheck. Since a percentage of those ingaged in farming will be taking jobs in the new work force, this opens up the lands for use by a larger machine based agricultural buisness org, best run by the government run socialist communes. We organise and fully develope farming in your nation, and we provide all the displaced masses work, shelter and food, with clear plans, and clear logical actions designed to improve their lives by great steps, rather than through subsistance and desperation. These plans taking the shape of either building up cities, or creating new cities near and around various large scale work site projects, mentioned in this letter, from mining to reseviors. We begin a program of buying food crops from all farmers, which is why they must increase their production, to have both food and some money, and we use this supply to feed the growing work force in their various efforts and offset the new demand, and we do the same for all predictable demand increases, from alcohol and hasish to entertainment. It cannot be done perfectly, but for the most part, inflation can be offset by more supply.

7) Recession is the next term which people scream out in horror, which might normally be the case when governments do alot of extra spending, and then stops. Yet, we, are not going to stop, not really, as i have said, we dont stop spending, we simply sell off the generated assets of all kinds and commericialise it locally, in your nation. And as projects finish and large numbers of people would normally become un-employed, they simply move on to new projects. Large projects of long term, large scale benefit, such as mentioned in this letter. But most importantly, the ORG and system we set in place, trains and promotes, by direct assistance of the ORG, the commercialization of many of the built up buisness and service assets, such as restaurants, markets, services, civil and social services, entertainment, mass media, and production companies, the ORG owns. So we, by way of intelegent investing, build up the infrastructure and create an economy based on production of anything from sugar beets, to peanuts, to mining iron, planting trees, and hand made and machine made crafts of all kinds in need to the growing economy. So, we dont stop spending, we simply taper off, over time, times such as 23 to 200 years. There need not be any recession, or uncontrolable inflation, because everything we do, increases supply, reduces imports, increases GDP, and employs all the un-employed in benefit to your nation. FAITH notes, which are most valueble, can solve all the problems of your nation, as well as the problems of all the nations of this earth.

All I need from any nation to solve their problems, is an embassy, and their agreement.

ALL of this... is mearly descriptive of options we can all take, to end poverty.

These options are only the beginning, as with support, it can all be made a reality.

I.. Mosheh Muhammed, ''dont have to be''' king... or world president...

This is only an example... of how we can solve the problem.

I am ready to do the job... however... if needed.

Yet, with world cooperation... the world wont need me... as I may die soon.

Hence.... the reason for wanting to build a world federation.